Interior Painting Information
The most important spaces in our lives are inside our homes. Most of these spaces can benefit from a new look.
The most cost effective and quickest home improvement project is interior painting. You can transform the look of a room or your entire house just by using paint!
Exterior Painting
A fresh exterior house painting job does more than making your property look great; it adds a layer of protection from different elements such as weather damages, dust, and insects. Quality paints can also prevent wood from rotting. This helps you to avoid larger exterior house painting costs in the future.
Our exterior services include:
Soft Pressure-Wash Walls to ensure best coverage, remove dirt and dust buildup from house exterior
Repair Damaged Surfaces.
Remove Loose Paint.
Caulk trims
Prime Stains
Protect Doors, Windows and Lights.
Paint Exterior
Paint Trim and Doors.
Roof Painting
Our idea of roof restoration is to give you the look and benefits of a new roof without the cost and lengthy disturbances caused by a new roof
Our services include :
Tiled roof:
Pressure wash the roof to remove all surface grime to allow a good surface for the primer to bond to
Re-cement and point ridge tiles
Apply one primer coat to suit the roof surface and two coats roof membrane paint in chosen colour to create the finish
Metal roof:
Pressure wash the roof to remove all surface grime to allow a good surface for the primer to bond to
Change all rusted screws, check any riveted flashings and re-rivet as required
Apply one metal roof primer and two coats of your chosen colour