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  • Does the roof paint peel and flake over time?
    The most important part of the painting process is the preparation. The roof must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt which will create a barrier between the roof and the paint itself. The primer / sealer coat is the most important coat as this bonds the roof and the paint. Any occasions where roofs have peeled or paint has flaked away will almost always be application based faults not product faults.
  • What colour do you recommend?
    Whether its a new roof, roof paint or any of the services we provide we will advise on the pros and cons between colours if you have multiple in mind but we won't recommend a colour choice. This is your home and it's important to us that you are happy with the finished product. We can help source samples to help you decide but we aren't colour consultants (we don't even choose the colour of our own undies)
  • Do you have insurance?
    We have full public liability insurance up to $20 million coverage and workers compensation insurance for all employees. Certificates of currency can be provided prior to commencement of work.
  • Do you have any before and after photos of work carried out?
    We are happy to send through separately however we have plenty of photos on our website in the gallery section on our website.
  • Who came up with the name Cloud9?
    My Wife. I can take no credit for this one.
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